Thursday, September 12, 2019

Catholic teachers banned the ‘evil’ books of Harry Potter

Harry Potter books had been taken out from one private Catholic school at Nashville since it included the actual “curses and spells”, based on the staff in the school.

With the latest report at the US daily, this Tennessean, Reverend Dan Reehil, the pastor at the school of St. Edward Catholic for pre-kindergarten kids through to 8th grade, told the reporters that the moment J.K. Rowlings' top selling works of the fiction are being read by human beings they stand the danger of “ conjuring devil spirits”.

After contacting some exorcists, Reehil has been suggested to take out the books from a library and continued to email the parents and tell them the “present magic as a mutually good and evil that is not real, but in reality a witty deception”. The pastor’s elimination of ‘chosen’ books discovers support from Ms. Rebecca Hammel, the superintendent of the schools for the Catholic Diocese in Nashville, who said that the Tennessean, which a concerned blood related had contacted Reehil regarding the books and “every pastor has the canonical power to make certain decisions for this parish school”.
Books should be read, not burned or banned

Not a long time ago Hitler tried an ideology that banned the book that assured to unlock the minds of the followers to his dishonesty, but Rebecca Hammel said that the school library has been “kind of digging over some of the contents in anticipation of it sprucing up”. Let us be fair; each of the library needs lessening from time and on and there has nothing wrong with a good book staying, joke intended, but Ms. Hammel added “daughters and sons must understand content by the lens of the faith”.

Then, perhaps in a bit of confusion she has been quoted in the write up in the Independent that states “We really do not take to censorship”. Is not that like somebody texting you and says, “I never send messages”?

Anyone reading the write-up who is an active associate of a magical method or has been taken the time in learning the actual origins of the Western Mystery Tradition identified knows that the rites performed by the medieval Rosicrucians, and a lot more recently in the methods like The Golden Dawn, Thelema and OTO and all require pure absorption in the Bible, and the rich comprehension of the biblical archaeology news.

Are the Christians feared the correct things?

These Harry Potter books had been a trouble for some Christians ever since Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was published in the year 1997 and the sequences turn out to be the ALA or American Library Association most frequently dared books of the year 2000 to 2009. These books had been accused of possessing “glorified magic with the occult” and charming children to emulating the curses and spells, said by the ALA.

In the meantime, the kids get on with the chemistry, coding and math, since the Catholic school staffs tried to shelter the kids from some of those best fictions writing ever laid over the paper, the local library replied to every shenanigans with the display letting the public where “Harry has been doing well and alive at their library”.

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