Saturday, June 22, 2019

Female Druids, the gone ministers of the Celts

At the medieval Irish myths they were known as Bandorai or Banduri. Their survival was confirmed by prehistoric, Roman and Greek writers. But who are those legendary female Druids?

These Druids were the prehistoric religious leaders, researchers and scientists of Celtic community. For centuries now, there was a mutual misconception that the Druids were only guys or male. However, many historical records testified to the facts that there were women among their positions.

The wise among the Celtic society

The word ''Druid'' came from an Indo-European remark ''Deru” that means ''true” or “the truth''. This word has progressed to the Greek word ''drus'', which means ''oak''.

These Druids were the brainy elite. Being the Druid was their tribal function however, there were also astronomers, magicians, astrologers and poets. It took nineteen years to achieve the necessary skills and knowledge in alchemy, law, the sciences, medicine, and a lot more. They prepared judicial processes, intellectual life, had skills to cure people, and had in developing techniques for war. They had been the oasis of wisdom with a high respect in their society.

Roman records of the Druidesses

This Gaius Julius Caesar had become fascinated with Druids. He inscribes down that they were theologians, philosophers, and scientists, and acquired skills that was exceptional. According to the experts in Caesar's records, the great Roman chief was well informed about the female Druids. Sad to say, lots of the Roman authors ignored women in common, so it isn’t easy to locate references to them in the historical texts. But, Strabo wrote down regarding the team of religious ladies who lived on the isle near Loir River. In the ‘Historia’, Augusta there is a description of Diocletian, Aurelian and Alexander Severus, who talked their problems with their female Druids.

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