Thursday, June 13, 2019

Mesolithic Hunting Ritual

The archaeologists had the tendency to relate the pre-agricultural non-utile artifacts to faith, but the Cambridge archaeologist involved at the Star Carr lifted the postulation that a deer headdress “can have items of camouflage have on while hunting.” While a visual of the 30 plus hunters sneaking through the woodland dressed as the deer sets one’s mind on fire, Dr. Jody Joy told the reporters that “some parts of the antlers had been taken out. One suspect a deer would not be fooled!”

To have a better understanding why the ancient people created such an elaborated sacred object, the different world view must be adopted and considered ‘animism.' Just imagine for a second the reality in which each material object and the phenomena have the unseen life force; wherein the spiritual and material realms are merely different parts of ‘a thing.’ In that humanity, open for pre-scientific reasoning, the forebears projected the concepts of spirit, sentience and soul onto fauna and fern, light and shadows, sunshine, thunder, wind, and rain.

To improve fishing and hunting success, there is a pre and post chasing rituals aimed at concentrating and unifying the proper natural elements should have urbanized way back in the pre-history, possibly when it is initially developed superstitious thoughts. After all, rituals are the systemized and amplified big sisters of the “touching wood” and “in not walking beneath ladders!”

To increase insights into its original beliefs that led to the making of spiritual gear such as ancient masks, and in achieving the deeper understanding of the ancient hunting rituals, anthropologists and archaeologists usually study the rites of the present day hunter gatherers. Base on the research paper in 2015 published by NCBI, the Mayan peasant-hunters crossways in Mexico on the Yucatan Peninsula, particularly the X-Pichil society, still carry out the hunting ritual – the Loj Ts’oon,  Loojil Ts’oon, or the Carbine Ceremony.

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