Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Surprising things that should be known about the Celts

1. They worshipped a massive number of Goddesses and Gods 

There were about hundreds of goddesses and gods in the pantheon of Celtic, and some of which were so recess that only a solo tribe or even clan worshipped them. These Druids, who lead with religious ceremonies, had been in charge of rites that included sacrifices. These ceremonies might normally take place at the shrines in normal locations like the streams and hilltops, but there were even some secret rituals which would be performed in the hidden sacred groves. These druids were very vital within the Celtic society as it served as teachers, lore-keepers and judges.

2. Celtic women can become warriors too

Not like with the many ancient cultures, there are so many accounts of ladies who had been warriors in this Celtic society. One was the female warrior Boudicca who infamously combated to prevent those Romans from attacking her territory. When Boudicca was finally defeated, Boudicca committed suicide through drinking poison instead of submitting to those Romans. There are so many other contemporary records of women that participated in and even pilots of their battles. The Romans discovered the idea of female battlers really shocking, and the authors Posidonius and Strabo mutually illustrated an island of the Celtic women where those would not risk for their fear of death.

Lots of the Roman records of the Celts were propaganda styled to provoke an imagery of wild savages, mutually to excuse their crashed towards the people who fought such as wild animals and in making their victories into them more glorious. But aside from this propaganda and also fearmongering there had been elements of truth that the Celts were terrible in battle, and that exercise of headhunting to be specific was something that must help to nurture the image of those barbaric people who continue just like the wild animals. It must be remembered in this case of the Celts that history has been written by those victors. It has been simple for these Romans to remove the accomplishments of the complex society, mainly when they themselves were trying to shun from the headhunters.

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